Paper Published In International Journals
[1].Singh B.R. &Singh Onkar -"Development of a vaned type novel Air Turbine"
The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, London, UK , Proc. IMechE,Part C:December 2008,JMES993, ISSN 0954-4062;(Received 21 December 2007 and accepted for publication 3 June 2008),
Vol. 222 Number 12, pp. 2419-2426 DOI:10.1243/09544062JMES993.
[2].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Parametric Evaluations of Injection Angles and Vane Angles on Performance of a Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine"
International Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Turkey,IJENS-pISSN:2010-4006;eISSN:2010-4014,
Vol.3 Number 4(37), 2009, pp. 217-224.
[3].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Optimization of Power Output of a Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine With Respect to Different Injection Angles"
-Internatinal Journal of Mechanical Engineering,
Darya Ganj,New Delhi-110002(India),IJME-ISSN:0974-5823;(Received October 24, 2009 and accepted December 10, 2009),
Vol.2, Number 2, July-Dec 2009, pp. 205-211.
[4].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Numerical Analysis of Pressure Admission Angle to Vane Angle Ratios on Performance of a Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine"
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Turkey,IJEAS-pISSN:2010-3980; eISSN-2010-3999,
Vol.6 Number 2(14), 2010, pp. 94-101.
[5].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Theoretical Investigations on Different Casing and Rotor Diameters Ratio to Optimize Shaft Output of a Vaned Type Air Turbine"
- International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Turkey,IJEAS-pISSN:2010-3980; eISSN:2010-3999,
Vol.6 Number 2(15), 2010, pp. 102-109.
[6].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Effect of Rotor to Casing Ratios with Different Rotor Vanes on Performance of Shaft Output of a Vane Type Novel Air Turbine"
- International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Turkey,IJEAS-pISSN:2010-3980; eISSN:2010-3999,
Vol.6, Number 4(33), 2010, pp. 133-138.
[7].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Effect of Different Vane Angle on Rotor - Casing Diameter Ratios to Optimize the Shaft Output of a Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine"
- International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,Chennai, India-IJSET-ISSN:0975-5462;
Vol.2, Number 3(2), 2010, pp. 114-121.
[8]. Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Study of Effect of Injection Angle to Rotor-Casing Diameter Ratios on Performance of a Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine"
- International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,
Chennai, India-IJSET-ISSN-0975-5462, Vol.2, Number 4(10), 2010, pp. 409-416.
[9]. Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Critical Effect of Rotor Vanes with Different Injection Angles on Performance of a Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine"- International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India,
IJET-ISSN: 0975-4024, Vol. 2 Number 2(28), 2010, pp. 118-123.
[10].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Study of Influence of Vane Angle on Shaft Output of a Multi Vane Air Turbine"
- International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,
AIP, New York, USA.ISSN:1941-7012;(The manuscript received on October 24, 2009, accepted April 09, 2010, and Published on May 6, 2010 ),
Vol.2 Number 3, 2010, pp. 033101-16, DOI:10.1063/1.3424712
[11].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Analytical Investigations on Different Air Injection Angles to Optimize Power Output of a Vaned Type Air Turbine"
-Internatinal Journal of Power and Energy,
Westminster, London- SW1H 9JJ,UK, Proc. of IMechE, Part A:JPE-837, ISSN: 0957-6509; (The manuscript was received 11th June 2009 and accepted for publication 7th October' 2009),
Vol. 224, Number 3, 2010, pp. 305-312. DOI:10.1243/09576509JPE837.
[12].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Study of Effect of Rotor Vanes to Rotor-Casing Dimensions on Performance of a Zero Pollution Vane Type Novel Air Turbine"
- International Journal of the Physical Sciences,
5170-00200, Nairobi-73023 Victoria Island, Lagos,ISSN: 1992-1950; (The manuscript IJPS-10-038 was received on February 01, 2010 and accepted on April 28, 2010)
- Vol.5(5), 2010, pp. 547-556..
[13].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Study of Influence of Different Rotor to Casing Diameter Ratios with Optimal Vane and Injection Angles on Shaft Output of a Multi-Vane Air Turbine"
- International Journal of Energy & Power, Inventi Journals Pvt. Ltd., SDX 33, Minal Residency, JK Road, BHOPAL, 462023, MP, India, ISSN: 2229–7774; (The manuscript EEP-10-03 was accepted on September 15, 2010)
- Vol. 2011 , Article ID-" Inventi:eep/3/10 "..
[14].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Performance Investigations for Power Output of a Vaned Type Novel Air Turbine"
-MIT- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering,
Moradabad, India, ISSN :2230-7699; (Accepted: Dec. 17, 2010; Published: Jan 11. 2011),
Vol.1(1), 2011, pp 9-16 .
[15].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"STUDY of The Inflence of Vane Angle On Shaft Output of a Multivane Air Turbine (II. Different rotor to casing diameter ratios with optimal injection angle)"
- International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
AIP, New York, USA, ISSN:1941-7012; (The Manuscript was received on Oct 10, 2010, accepted on April 7, 2011 and published on May 24, 2011);
Vol.3, Number 3, 2011, pp. 033102-17, DOI: 10.1063/1.3583647.
[16].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Analysis of the effect of rotor-to-casing diameter ratio on the power output of a vaned-type air turbine (Part-II)"
- Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,
Maxwell Scientific Publishing,74 Kenelm Road, B10 9AJ,Birmingham Small Heath, UK, ISSN:2040-7459; (The Manuscript received on March 11, 2011, accepted on April 16, 2011 and published on May 25, 2011)
Vol.3(5), 2011, pp. 415-425.
[17].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Study of Performance of Shaft output with Rotor-to-Casing Ratios versus Different Vane Angles Adopting Practical Approach on a Novel Multi-Vane Air Turbine"
-The Global Journal of Researches in Engineering-A:Mechanical Mechanics Engineering(GJRE-A),
Cambridge Office Center II Canal Park,Floor No. 5th,Cambridge (Massachusetts),Pin: MA 02141, United States; (The Manuscript submitted July 15, 2011 and accepted Aug 01, 2011)-
GJRE(A), Vol.11(5), 2011, pp 1-8.
[18].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Compressed Air Energy Storage System Based Engine for Running Light Vehicle"
- International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering,
No. 173, Sepahbod Gharani Ave., Tehran, Iran; (The Manuscript submitted July 26, 2011 and accepted Oct 31, 2011), ISSN: 2008-9163,
Vol.2, No.4, pp.33-44 / Fall 2011, MS:IJEEE/903-56 .
[19].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"Study of Compressed Air Storage System as Clean Potential Energy for 21st Century"
-The Global Journal of Researches in Engineering-A:Mechanical Mechanics Engineering(GJRE-A),
Cambridge Office Center II Canal Park,Floor No. 5th,Cambridge (Massachusetts), Pin: MA 02141, United States; (The Manuscript submitted Dec 03, 2011 and accepted Dec 16, 2011)
- GJRE(A), Vol.12(1), 2012, -pp 21-33.
[20].Singh B.R. & Singh Onkar -"A study of performance output of a multi-vane air engine applying optimal injection and vane angles"
- International Journal of Rotating Machinery,
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York; (Received 5 October 2011; Revised 12 March 2012; Accepted 15 March 2012), ISSN: 1023-621X (Print),
Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 578745, 10 pages;DOI:10.1155/2012/578745.
[21].Singh B.R., & Singh Onkar -"Impact of Two Wheeled Vehicle’s on Global Warming and its Remedial Design", International Journal of Mechanic Systems Engineering (IJMSE),, The World Academic Publishing Co., Limited, Unit 1105, 11/F., Tower 1, Lippo Centre, No. 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong; (Received March 05, 2012; Accepted May 06, 2012) - Vol2(2), 2012, pp 12-18; pub date May 25, 2012.
Book Chapter:
[22] Singh Bharat Raj and Singh Onkar, (2011), Influence of the Air Engine on Global Warming Issues - 21st Century Fuel Technology , The Impact of Air Pollution on Health, Economy, Environment and Agricultural Sources, Dr. Mohamed Khallaf (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-528-0; University Campus, STeP RiSlavka Krautzeka 83/A 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 30 Aug 2011, DOI:10.5772/16708.
[23] Singh Bharat Raj and Singh Onkar, (2012), Global Trends of Fossil Fuel Reserves and Climate Change in the 21st Century ,Book-Fossil Fuel and The Environment, Dr. Shahriar Khan (Ed.), ISBN 979-953-307-561-6, University Campus, STeP RiSlavka Krautzeka 83/A 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 14 March 2012, DOI: 10.5772/2315.
[24] Singh Bharat Raj and Singh Onkar, (2012), Study of Impacts of Global Warming on Climate Change: Rise in Sea Level and Disaster Frequency ,Dr. Bharat Raj Singh (Ed.), ISBN:979-953-307-820-4, University Campus, STeP RiSlavka Krautzeka 83/A 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 19 September 2012, DOI:10.5772/50464.
[25] Singh Bharat Raj, Cheng Karl and Cheng Alan,(2012), Impact of Uses of 3-Dimensonal Electronics IC Devices and Computing Systems on the Power Consumptions and Global Warming Issues ,Dr. Bharat Raj Singh (Ed.), ISBN:979-953-307-820-4, University Campus, STeP RiSlavka Krautzeka 83/A 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 19 September 2012, DOI: 10.5772/52230.
[26].Singh Bharat Raj and Singh Onkar,(2012), Study of Impacts on Climate Change: Glacier Melting and Growing Crises , Book-Climate Change:Realities, Impacts Over Ice Cap, Sea Level and Risks, Dr. Bharat Raj Singh (Ed.), ISBN:980-953-307-489-9, University Campus, STeP RiSlavka Krautzeka 83/A 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, 16 January 2013 DOI: 10.5772/3459.
[27].Singh B.R., & Singh Onkar,(2013), "Influence of Rotor to Casing Ratios with Different Rotor Vanes on Performance of Shaft Output of a Multivane Type Novel Air Turbine", International Journal of Research in Engineering and Advanced Technology(IJREAT),, ISSN:2320-8791, Vol.1 Issue 2 April-May 2013.
[28].Singh B.R., & Singh Onkar,(2013), "A Future Technology of Automobile Engine That Runs on Compressed Air as a Fuel", IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE),, Special Issue-RDME2013, eISSN:2278-1684 and pISNN:2320–334X, Vol.6 Issue 2 April 2013.
[29].Singh B.R., & Singh Manoj,(2013), "Chaos, Complexity and Synchronization in Dynamical System Using Bond Graph", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v4i1.1542; Vol.4(1)-2013 -pp 15-24.
[30].Singh B.R., & Singh Manoj,(2013), "Dynamic Modeling, Theory and Application Using Bond Graph", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v4i1.1543; Vol.4(1)-2013 -pp 25-36.
[31].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Onkar,"The Melting of Glaciers Cannot Be Reversed With Global Warming" Chapter 7 of the book published by Cengage Learning, USA - Titled:'Can Glacier and Ice Melt Be Reversed? an under-graduate book on Environment in USA curriculum-1st ed; launched on Feb 21, 2014 pp 56-63.
[32].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar,"Sustainable Renewable Energy Development in India Through Ministry of Non- Conventional Energy Sources", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i1.1515; Vol.5(1)-2014 -pp 35-38.
[33].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Onkar,"Scenarios of Global Warming and its Proposed Worldwide Action Plan", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i1.1516; Vol.5(1)-2014 -pp 39-46.
[34].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar,"Modeling of Future Sea Level Rise Through Melting Glaciers", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i1.1517; Vol.5(1)-2014 -pp 47-56.
[35].Singh Bharat Raj, & Yadav JP,"Experimental Set up of Air Conditioning System in Automobile Using Exhaust Energy", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i1.1520; Vol.5(1)-2014 -pp 71-80.
[36].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar,"National Mission for Climate Change Using Clean Development Mechanics", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i1.1521; Vol.5(1)-2014 -pp 81-84.,
[37].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar,"Flood Warnings and Recent Disaster at Uttarakhand", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i1.1522; Vol.5(1)-2014 -pp 85-88.
[38].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar," A Revolution for Architecture and Photovoltaics Zero Energy Buildings: A New Opportunity and Challenge for Technology Based Design", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i1.1523; Vol.5(1)-2014 -pp 89-96.
[39].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar,"Novel Cruise Speed Highway Charging of Electric Vehicles in India", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i2.1527; Vol.5(2)-2014-pp 115-118.
[40].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar,"Financing and Creating Energy Infrastructure for Small Cities", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i2.1529; Vol.5(2)-2014-pp 123-130.
[41].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Manoj Kumar,(2014), "Observation and Temperature Changes : Warming of The Climate System andFuture of Global Warming in 21st Century", SAMRIDDHI- Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology (SAMRIDDHI-JPSET)-An International Journal, ISSN:2229-7111, DOI:10.18090/samriddhi.v5i2.1531; Vol.5(2)-2014-pp 137-142.
[42].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Onkar,(2014), "Study of the Influence of Vane Angle on Shaft Output of a Multivane Air Turbine: III-Optimization of power at different vane angles corresponding to angles at which pressurised air enters the turbine", International Journal of Mechanic Systems Engineering (IJMSE)-An International Journal, ISSN:2225-7403(Print);ISSN:2226-6461(Online), Vol.4 Issue 4,(Nov 2014), pp 47-54; Download Manuscript: IJMSE1065 .
[43].Singh Bharat Raj, (2015), "Implementation of New Zero Pollution Technology for Green Energy Revolution: Air Engine and its Impact on Global Warming",International Journal of Ordinance Factory (IJOF), ISSN:XXXX-XXXX(Print),Manuscript submitted on 20-03-2014(under review).
[44].Singh Bharat Raj, Kumar Raghuvir,Singh Amarjyoti & Singh Amar Bahadur,(2016)"A Study on Carbon Sequestration to Curb Climate Damage: An Impact of Planting Trees along Roadsides",Journal of Physical Science, Engg and Technology (S-JPSET): Vol. 8, Issue 1, ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print) & ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online),Manuscript submitted on : 14th Jan.2016;Accepted : 28th March, 2016; DOI : 10.18090/samriddhi.v8i1.11415.
[45].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Amar Jyoti,(2016), Cleanliness and Environmental Protection: An Integral Issue, SAMRIDDHI: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2229-7111 (Print), ISSN: 2454-5767 (Online), 2016, Vol. 8 Issue 2, Pg 127-130.
[46].Singh Bharat Raj, & Singh Amar Bahadur,(2016), Glacier Melting, Disaster and Awareness Programme, SAMRIDDHI: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print), ISSN: 2454-5767 (Online), 2016, Vol. 8 Issue 2, Pg 131-138.
[47].Singh Bharat Raj, Singh Onkar, Raghuvir Kumar and Singh Dharmendra,(2016), Potential of Roof Top Solar Power Generation in India, SAMRIDDHI : A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology ISSN : 2229-7111 (Print), ISSN : 2454-5767 (Online), 2016, Vol. 8 Issue 2, Pg 139-146.
[48].Singh Bharat Raj, Singh Amarjyoti and Singh Amar Bahadur,(2017), "Potential of Renewable and Clean Energy in India", Proceedings of 4th International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental and Disaster Science (SPEEDS-2017): Glacier melting & its Challenges, Pub. MRI Publications Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow, Book- ISBN: 978-93-86142-19-1, Dec 2017, pages 10-12.
[49].Singh Bharat Raj, Raghuvir Kumar and Singh Dharmendra, (2017),"Glacier Melting Impact on Environment: How People Living in Countries Affected", Proceedings of 4th International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental and Disaster Science (SPEEDS-2017): Glacier melting & its Challenges, Pub. MRI Publications Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow, Book- ISBN: 978-93-86142-19-1, Dec 2017, pages 94-99.
[50].Singh Bharat Raj, and Singh Onkar, (2017), "Global Warming: A Threat to the Himalayas", Proceedings of 4th International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental and Disaster Science (SPEEDS-2017): Glacier melting & its Challenges, Pub. MRI Publications Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow, Book- ISBN: 978-93-86142-19-1, Dec 2017, pages 141-147.